Introducing our Whimsy Bouquet Bundle Box, an enchanting collection that brings a playful and delightful touch to any celebration. Each box contains 14 beautifully arranged bouquets, featuring 17 stems per bouquet. The bouquets are composed of assorted colors, combining 5 focal flowers with 12 additional flowers, fillers, and greens, creating a unique and charming arrangement every time.
Size & Pricing:
40 CM (15-16") Bouquets: $15.99 per bouquet ($223.86 per box)
Recommended Sell Price: $29.99 per bouquet
50 CM (19-20") Bouquets: $18.99 per bouquet ($265.86 per box)
Recommended Sell Price: $39.99 per bouquet
Key Features:
Assorted Colors: Each bouquet is a playful mix of colors, ensuring that every arrangement stands out with its unique and whimsical design.
Customization: Select your preferred delivery date at checkout. To ensure timely arrival, we recommend choosing a date 2 days before your event, accommodating any potential logistical delays.
Nationwide Shipping: Available for delivery outside the Chicago area, allowing you to share the joy of these whimsical bouquets with clients or loved ones, no matter their location.
Bring a touch of whimsy to your special occasions with our Whimsy Bouquet Bundle Box, and let the vibrant blooms create a joyful atmosphere wherever they go.