Introducing our Vivid Bouquet Bundle Box, a vibrant and lively collection that adds a burst of color to any occasion. Each box contains 14 expertly arranged bouquets, featuring 16 stems per bouquet. These bouquets come in assorted colors, with a dynamic mix of 6 focal flowers and 10 additional flowers, fillers, and greens, making each bouquet a striking visual statement.
Size & Pricing:
40 CM (15-16") Bouquets: $14.99 per bouquet ($209.86 per box)
Recommended Sell Price: $29.99 per bouquet
50 CM (19-20") Bouquets: $17.99 per bouquet ($251.86 per box)
Recommended Sell Price: $35.99 per bouquet
Key Features:
Assorted Colors: Each bouquet features a vivid array of colors, ensuring every arrangement is bold and eye-catching.
Customization: Choose your preferred delivery date at checkout. For the best experience, we recommend selecting a date 2 days before your event to account for any logistical delays.
Nationwide Shipping: Available for shipping outside of the Chicago area, making it easy to send these vibrant bouquets to clients or loved ones, regardless of location.
Infuse your events with energy and color with our Vivid Bouquet Bundle Box, and enjoy the stunning impact of fresh, colorful flowers delivered directly to your door.