Introducing our Captivating Bouquet Bundle Box, a stunning assortment perfect for any occasion. Each box contains four meticulously crafted bouquets, featuring a total of 34 stems per bouquet. The bouquets come in assorted colors, ensuring that each one is unique, with a blend of 9 focal flowers and 25 additional flowers, fillers, and greens.
Size & Pricing:
40 CM (15-16") Bouquets: $29.99 per bouquet ($119.96 per box)
Recommended Sell Price: $49.99 per bouquet
50 CM (19-20") Bouquets: $37.99 per bouquet ($151.96 per box)
Recommended Sell Price: $59.99 per bouquet
Key Features:
Assorted Colors: Each bouquet features a unique combination of colors, making every arrangement distinct and perfect for a variety of settings.
Customization: Choose your preferred delivery date at checkout, with a recommended delivery date of 2 days before your event to accommodate any unforeseen logistical delays.
Nationwide Shipping: Available for shipping outside of the Chicago area, allowing you to share these beautiful arrangements with clients and loved ones, no matter the location.
Elevate your event with our Captivating Bouquet Bundle Box, and let the vibrant colors and fresh blooms create an unforgettable atmosphere.