Introducing our Vibrant Bouquet Bundle Box, an energetic and colorful collection that brings life and joy to any celebration. Each box contains 8 stunning bouquets, featuring 30 stems per bouquet. These bouquets are designed with assorted colors, blending 6 focal flowers with 24 additional flowers, fillers, and greens, ensuring each arrangement is a lively and unforgettable display.
Size & Pricing:
40 CM (15-16") Bouquets: $24.99 per bouquet ($199.92 per box)
Recommended Sell Price: $49.99 per bouquet
50 CM (19-20") Bouquets: $31.99 per bouquet ($255.92 per box)
Recommended Sell Price: $59.99 per bouquet
Key Features:
Assorted Colors: Each bouquet showcases a vibrant mix of colors, making every arrangement a joyful and eye-catching centerpiece.
Customization: Select your preferred delivery date at checkout. To ensure your bouquets arrive in perfect condition, we recommend choosing a date 2 days before your event to accommodate any potential delays.
Nationwide Shipping: Available for delivery beyond the Chicago area, allowing you to share these vibrant bouquets with clients or loved ones, no matter where they are.
Elevate your special moments with our Vibrant Bouquet Bundle Box, and let the rich, lively colors create an atmosphere of joy and celebration.